Our Voices Tell our Stories

Exploring the Importance of the Human Voice in Life Stories, Oral Social Histories, Tales of Resistance, Survival and Reconciliation 

This online course explores the unique and powerful affect, the inspiration and immediacy our human voice creates when we tell our stories, especially our family or life stories, but also oral histories, national historic narratives and the narration of counter narratives that create the full spectrum of voices, inclusivity, respect, truth-telling and possibilities of reconciliation; the silences of the unrepresentable (violence, abuse, genocide, etc.) held within survivor, witness and bystander stories, and even the telling of traditional folktales or myths that speak softly where the personal becomes ‘lost for words’. Voice is here exclusively used in the sense of voice as oral human utterance and oral expression

This course is particularly relevant and beneficial to educators working in upper-middle to high school, people working professionally in Youth- and Social work, Community, Health, Death- and Aged Care, Rehabilitation, Correctional Services, and Cultural-Social Arts. The course is designed to support those interested in providing ways for people of all ages, in all circumstances, to find and develop ‘their voice’, to learn how to tell their story, but also to learn how to listen to, understand and respect the stories told by others